Wednesday, July 6, 2011


friends stay over
we have a barbecue
rhubarbs wilt
enter key is not working
jam is boiling
getting burnt
car catches on fire
in neighbors driveway
last night.
enter key is annoying me
the boiling jam jars
rattle like an old washing machine
the snap peas grow like insane
weevils are evil
I want dads help with that puzzle
when he comes home
the turtle one.
the coffee cake that I made
is done.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Failing Gloom

the sun is here,
with with no gray beards
the only clouds
have flown by noon
the hills are still
brown with weeds
yet higher up
there's snow enough
I'm sick of winter hikes
with only brown and white
the only green
to be seen
is on dull weeds with
frost nipped ends
I want to go
where green pillars
stand proudly
having vanquished
the brush and snow

Second Heat

Spring, spring, spring.
Garden, garden, garden.
Clean, clean, clean.
Dirt, dirt, dirt.
Dig, dig, dig.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lasting Gloom

Inhaling lungfuls of swirling snow

Prancing on the icy ground until my feet
threaten to tear on the smoothest of pebbles


Scrambling down the slushy sidewalk
with restless expectancy


wearing only a t-shirt
(and knee length shorts)


Ferocious wind stabs at my numb flesh
with cold icicles

I stand

Glaring at the cold
fluff whipping down


Because it's Spring

Friday, March 11, 2011

First Heat

Spring started yesterday. False spring.

In Nevada, Spring is not defined by two dates on the calendar. It starts with the heat.

Something has infiltrated the cold; the cold is still there, but it has retreated to the pink ends of my nose and ears.

Impenetrable heat; the sun's pure rays on my back, which leave me with the lazy, energetic spring feel.

I am back,
the heat says, have you forgotten me?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bromeliad or multiple universes

FLORIDA (or FLORIDIA): A place where may be found ALLIGATORS, LONG-NECKED TURTLES, and SPACE SHUTTLES. An interesting place that is warm and wet and there are geese. BACON, LETTUCE, AND TOMATO SANDWICHES may be found here also. A lot more interesting than many other places. The shape when seen from the air is like a bit stuck on a bigger bit.

From A Scientific Encyclopedia for the Inquiring Young Nome
By Angalo de Haberdasheri

From the Bromeliad Trilogy by Terry Pratchett

Multiple Universes:
The possibility of multiple universes is being studied by scientists.
If the conditions are right, There is a possibility of your multiple reading this post, right now, in another universe.